Key Responsibilities
- As a System Designer, I took part in the team that defined and iterated AI behaviour and the abilities/economy cost. To facilitate the iteration, we made a calculator in excel which I’ll gladly post once we finish the project.
- As an Experience Designer, alongside all the departments we developed all the elements bearing in mind various aspects of usability (readability, standards used in the industry, recognition, error prevention,…).
- As a Level Designer, I was assigned to design a level which had to dispose 4 rooms and in which the player has to neutralize the second objective of the game. An iterative process still in the making.
What could I have done better or acknowledge more now as a game designer?
- Communication is key, though do not over do it.
- Iterate fast and don’t feel bad throwing things.
[This post is still in development, will be refreshed as the project goes on. Pestilences as a masters project will end in October 2023]