Roger Larriba Baudilio

JUNIOR game producer / game designer

experience / projects

about me

Hi, everyone! My name is Roger Larriba, aspiring Game Designer and Producer.

Through my life I’ve always had clear that I wanted to work in videogames. After studying various possible paths, I’m sure that I’ll work to develop myself professionally as Game Designer and/or Game Producer.

I love competitive games and getting to know how they generate the experiences that they want. I’ve tried being an analyst for amateur teams looking for the spots that each map generates, which situations the players should be more cautious and how to use their resources to make scenearios that lean to their favour. So being attracted to Level and System Design has been quite natural to me.


Higher Technician Certificate in 3D Animation, Games and Interactive Environments

Ilerna (Lleida, Spain), 2018

University of Lleida (Lleida, Spain), 2022

Bachelor's degree in Computer Science

Master's degree in Game Design

U-TAD (Madrid, Spain), 2023